There’s More Of Us Then There Are Of Them — In Kansas.

There’s more of us who believe in a woman’s right to choose than there are of them…
There’s more of us who want stricter gun control than there are of them…
There’s more of us who want to raise the minimum wage than there are of them…
There’s more of us who want to raise taxes on the rich than there are of them…
… Who want to face the challenge of global warming, even if it hurts…
… Who want to curb the influence of money in politics.
… Who believes the winner of the popular vote should become President.
When you get right down to it, there’s more of us who believe in a woman’s right to choose than there are of them — In KANSAS!
The majority of American voters did not elect Bush or Trump. The Electoral College did that. The majority of American voters support all the social changes mentioned above.
In a Democracy, the majority is supposed to rule. But the Constitution cripples the Majority through the Electorial College, the Senate, and the Supreme Court. We must change the Constitution so that it empowers us, the Majority. Until then, let’s work our asses off to win elections — like they did in Kansas.
We are the Majority. There are more of us than there are of them. Never forget: That is our power.
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